Seven piece cross puzzle

Author: Rea Gibson
Published: June July 2002

The object of this puzzle is to make a “cross” from the seven pieces.


Unlike some of the puzzles in this series, this is not a particularly difficult to solve. That, along with the fact that it is easy to cut these shapes, makes this an easy, fun party puzzle.

There are two “A” pieces and two “B” pieces 5” long and 6” long. There are three “C” pieces.

Cut out the seven pieces from plywood, cardboard or plastic.

Find the solution here.

Pieces to cut

The Solution to the Magic Four Puzzle


  1. Advertisement

  2. I don’t understand why someone would go threw so much trouble making this nice website for helping people and then not give good instructions. SMH

    1. Sorry that you are having trouble making the puzzle Jared. The article was done over 20 years ago, when the magazine was in it’s infancy. At that time we weren’t as good at providing detailed instructions. Hopefully we’ve improved. However, if you can let me know what part of the puzzle you are having trouble with I’m happy to provide you with additonal details.

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