Makita DTD171Z


First, let’s get this out of the way. Power. It’s got loads of power. I completely bur­ied a series of 2-1/2″ long x #10 flat head screws into solid red oak quickly and effort­lessly.

I’m no carpenter. Nor am I a tradesman, needing to quickly sink large metal fasten­ers by the hundreds every hour. I also don’t work outdoors, wrestling with the elements while trying to do my job. If you happen to be any of these types of people you should seriously consider this Makita impact driver, as it covers just about every one of your needs. If you’re not one of these peo­ple, but you’d just like to get your hands on a beast of an impact driver, I sure wouldn’t blame you. This is a nice driver.

Makita DTD171Z
MAP (Minimum Advertised Price): $249
Website: Makita.ca

First, let’s get this out of the way. Power. It’s got loads of power. I completely bur­ied a series of 2-1/2″ long x #10 flat head screws into solid red oak quickly and effort­lessly. I then grabbed a nutsetter and sunk a 3 1/2″ long x 3/8″ diameter lag bolt in that same red oak hardwood. Without skipping a beat, this impact driver buried it up to its head. Did you catch that? It was 16/4 solid red oak. Up to its head. Didn’t skip a beat. Yeah. Pretty good.

The Makita DTD171Z has a whole lot more than power and torque going for it, though. It has a host of settings for differ­ent applications. There are four stages for impact driving force, depending on the amount of speed and torque you need. There are also four additional application assist modes; wood mode (slower rota­tion at first, then when the screw is started, increased speed), bolt mode (rotation automatically stops when loosening bolts once the bolt tension is very low) and two self-tapping screw modes (ensuring metal screws aren’t over-driven in thin or thick metal). The impact driving modes can be toggled through with a number of glove-friendly buttons at the base of the handle, or a main button just above the trigger can be used to select one of the four main appli­cation modes. These eight modes can be used by a wide range of tradespeople and DIYers to fine-tune the driver for the appli­cation they’re working with, giving them a quicker, better and more predictable result.

Although I almost exclusively use my tools indoors, if you do any exterior home improvements, or work on construction sites, this impact driver offers an incred­ible level of protection from the elements. Keeping sand, dirt, oil, water, etc. away from the inner workings of the driver has been taken care of. Gaskets and solid con­struction have been used to their fullest. Even the air ventilation ports have been designed in a way that the driver would have to be turned almost upside down to allow any water in. This approach to engineering and construction will go a long way to ensuring this drill won’t let you down when you need it the most.

This impact driver is a bit louder than the smaller 12V impacts, but I doubt these drivers are going to see much action in a quiet home-shop setting too often. From construction sites to basement remodels, these are the locations where the Makita DTD171Z will shine. Whenever a large metal fastener is needed, I’m pretty sure this driver will lead the way.

This is a very nice, extremely capable impact driver, which I’m sure you’d enjoy using for years to come. I’m a bit jealous of all you carpenters and tradespeople who would be able to use this driver on a regular basis. Having said that, maybe I will have to do more projects around the house to justify this beauty. Better make the purchase first, then see what projects I should tackle.

Makita DTD171Z-1
Loads of Power – Huge lag bolts, like this 3-1/2″ long × 3/8″ diameter beast, were sunk into solid red oak without any problems whatsoever. (Photo by Rob Brown)
Makita DTD171Z-2
Quickly Toggle – A handy button directly above the main trigger allows the user to quickly toggle through the four main driving levels. The levels are easily visible at the base of the handle. (Photo by Rob Brown)

Last modified: September 29, 2023

Rob Brown - [email protected]

Rob is a studio furniture maker and the editor at Canadian Woodworking & Home Improvement. Instagram at @RobBrownTeaches

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