Michael Fediw of London, Ontario has come up with a very useful jig that he uses on his bandsaw. His jig can also be adapted for other machines.
The reason this jig is so useful on the bandsaw is that, although the bandsaw table is set at 90 degrees to the blade, not every cut that you make is at 90 degrees. Sometimes you have to cut at an angle and, as soon as you loosen the locking bolt off to adjust the table angle, you probably shudder. You shudder, not because you are going to cut on an angle, but because you know how difficult it can be to re-adjust the table back to the setting of 90 degrees to the blade. The Fediw tilt fence jig solves that problem.
This jig can be constructed out of any hardwood and easily attaches to your bandsaw table using two clamps. The pivoting action is achieved with two threaded rods. Use epoxy resin to glue the threaded rod into the angle fence. Now simply loosen the nuts at each end to adjust your angle. You could also use wing nuts. When you are finished cutting, simply remove the jig and you are back to cutting square again.
You never have to compromise your perfect 90-degree setting. This is an excellent idea that can be adapted to other machines, such as the drill press. I used to shudder too, when it came to loosening the drill press, because it was very time consuming to adjust back to 90 degrees to the drill bit. Not any more!
So follow these plans for a really useful jig. Add it to your workshop and split any stock to any angle, without having to change your bandsaw blade setting. For his winning entry into the Canadian Woodworking Jig Contest, Michael Fediw will receive $250 worth of LePage’s glue.
You could be the next winner in our jig contest. Don’t be shy. You don’t need to do any fancy photos, charts or diagrams. You can leave that to us. Just contact Lou Peeters and he’ll take it from there.
Remember, jigs can help make your woodworking safer. They can also increase your speed and accuracy. So help out your fellow woodworkers by sharing your jig and watch future issues of Canadian Woodworking to see how other woodworkers can help you.