
Author: Ted Duquette
Illustration: Marcus Cutler
Published: December January 2007

Canadian Provincial Capitals Scroll Saw Patterns: Fredericton


Fredericton is located in the middle of the lovely St. John River valley – the river actually bisects the city. The area has an interesting history, having been originally occupied by the Mi’kmaq and Maliseet peoples, and thereafter intermittently settled by the French, Acadians, British and United Empire Loyalists. The city is well treed, with a number of parks, including Odell Park and Arboretum, which contains all the tree species native to New Brunswick, several of which are more than 400 years old. Forests cover almost 90% of New Brunswick and are an important part of the provincial economy.

At the top of this scroll saw pattern are two symbols from the provincial flag – a golden lion, referring to the Duchy of Brunswick, and an oared and masted ship, referring to the importance of shipbuilding to the province, and its maritime location. The church in this scene is the Christ Church Cathedral, begun in 1845, opened in 1853.

Scroll Cutting Tips

Photo-enlarge the pattern to the size you want. Cover your substrate (such as ¼” Baltic birch ply) with masking tape, and then spray glue the pattern to the substrate. Using a #5 13 tpi blade, cut out the shaded areas on the template. Start cutting out the smallest areas first, moving on to the next larger areas. Once the pattern is cut out remove the masking tape, lightly sand as required, and then apply your chosen finish.


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