Coat hanger mirror

Author: Graham Schram
Illustration: Lee Gabel
Published: June July 2004

If you have ever rushed out of the house without a quick look in the mirror, and later been caught with ‘bed head’ or ‘bad hair’, you already know how helpful a hallway mirror can be.


Add to that the fact that this little hallway mirror has hooks for coats and hats, and you’ve got an easy and practical project that is sure to be appreciated.

Rout out a rabbet 1/2″ x 3/8″ deep (with a 1″ radius on the corners) in the back of the mirror opening. Chisel out the corners to square up. Use a 1/2″ round over bit for the outside edges of the front.

Stain/clear coat the wood and smooth with fine steel wool when dry.

Measure out centre, and mark for the coat hook. Then measure and mark 16″ on both sides of that centre to determine the location of the mounting holes.

Drill 1/8″ mounting holes through the two outside marks. The mounting holes must be in position to be hidden by the hooks.

Secure the cast iron coat hooks directly over the mounting holes.

Mount the mirror last to ensure that it doesn’t get broken during the drilling and mounting of the hooks.

Apply a piece of heavy card or thin plywood over the back of the mirror and secure with 1/2″ finishing or brads nails.

The rack should be mounted with 3″ screws through the two mounting holes (each 16″ from the centre). The mounting holes are behind the two outside hooks. Make sure that they line up with your wall studs.

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