Toronto based furniture maker Yorgo Liapis talks about small-batch furniture, hand shaping and dancing in the shop.
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I love the approach Mr. Liapis has to “the art in the wood”. On a smaller scale, I attempt artistic projects with various found woods (usually from my neighborhood) and often with weathered/very-weathered woods. My favorite wood, hands-down, is weathered plum: very hard, difficult to get scratches out, doesn’t take finishes well. This plum wood comes from a Japanese Cherry whose root-stock is ash- and purple- hearted. Mostly this wood wants to become jewelry.
I love the approach Mr. Liapis has to “the art in the wood”.
On a smaller scale, I attempt artistic projects with various found woods (usually from my neighborhood) and often with weathered/very-weathered woods. My favorite wood, hands-down, is weathered plum: very hard, difficult to get scratches out, doesn’t take finishes well. This plum wood comes from a Japanese Cherry whose root-stock is ash- and purple- hearted. Mostly this wood wants to become jewelry.