Unfinished business and San Diego Fine Woodworkers Association

Blog by Rob Brown
Quilted Chamber

To some, a new year is about making resolutions, setting new goals and getting a fresh start. The only resolution I’ve ever made and kept was a “stop making new year’s resolutions” resolution I made about 20 years ago. Easiest resolution ever.

I strongly encourage it. However, I didn’t stop making goals for myself. I just stopped waiting until a new year to put them into motion. Maybe my approach to the new year also includes admitting I still have many unfinished projects on my list.

Unfinished business

I mentioned about three weeks ago that I’m installing some trim. It’s still not quite done. I have the baseboard up, but the quarter round and crown are waiting patiently in the basement. It was a busy holiday season. I also tweaked my back carrying my miter saw up the stairs. Nothing major, but it shut the project down for a day, and the moment that momentum stopped, it was hard to get it going again. I should be able to get the rest of the trim finished off in the next week, though.


Speaking of unfinished projects, one of my earlier posts from 2021 was about the marble run that my son and I started. It’s not complete, but I’m starting to wonder if a marble run is ever really complete. You can always add something else if you want. On the other hand, maybe that’s just me making excuses. At least my son and I were able to get into the shop and complete other projects. I can’t promise the marble run will ever be done, though I can promise to feel ever so slightly guilty about its state.


I’ve also been considering making some slight adjustments to the way I write these blog posts. I think reaching out to other makers about some of the beautiful pieces they make, as well as what their favourite pieces from other makers are, would be a lot of fun. That’s been on the back burner for a month or two, and maybe January 2022 is a good time to kick that into gear.


Three unfinished projects. Not bad, I’d say. Sadly, I’m sure there were others that I’ve forgotten about, but let’s not dwell on the past, shall we?

San Diego Fine Woodworkers Association Exhibition

Looking towards the future, the San Diego Fine Woodworkers Association is putting on their 39th annual “Design in Wood” competition. Entries pour in from all over the world, and it would be great to see Canada represented. This is a very well-respected competition, with both professional and amateur wood artists showcasing their work. The deadline to submit entries is April 29, 2022, and the month-long exhibition kicks off June 8, 2022.


Twenty-six different entry categories span a wide range, including furniture accessories, scroll saw, carving and more. For a complete list of entry categories and to learn more about the show in general, visit sdfwa.org.


For some inspiration, you can also check out their photo gallery of past winners at sdfwa.org. Included in this blog post are a few of the highlights from past years.

Quilted Chamber – Upright Cabinet

Blasé Mathern Jr., Excellence in Finishing, 2011

Quilted Chamber


Frankie McWhirt, Best in Show, 2019


Walnut Buffet

Thomas Stockton, Excellence in Design and Finishing, 2016

Walnut Buffet

Ebony Wall Cabinet

Brian Newell, Best in Show, 2011

Ebony Wall Cabinet

Old Man

Tom Arbour, Design in Wood, 2007

Old Man


Douglas A. Buddenhagen, 1,800 pieces, Design in Wood, 2013



Mike Pecsoc, People’s Choice, 2014


Soloman’s Cabinets – Al Tabut

Beston Barnett, Best in Wood, 2017

Soloman’s Cabinets – Al Tabut

Oak Leaves and Acorns Cabinet

Craig Thibodeau, Design in Wood, 2012

Oak Leaves and Acorns Cabinet


Richard Kerrell, Design in Wood, 2007


John Townsend Document Chest

Robert Stevenson, President’s Award, 2019

John Townsend Document Chest

Buffet with Three Drawers

David Marr, Design in Wood and President’s Award, 2013

Buffet with Three Drawers

Last modified: May 15, 2022

Rob Brown - [email protected]

Rob is a studio furniture maker and the editor at Canadian Woodworking & Home Improvement. Instagram at @RobBrownTeaches

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