A valued sponsor of our woodworking community

The world’s largest manufacturer of portable bandsaw mills. With 30 years of experience, Wood-Mizer offers its customers legendary after-sales service, with 21 branches across Canada and the USA. Wood-Mizer has manufactured more bandsaws than all their competitors combined.
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Wood Mizer Canada
company news
Wood-Mizer introduces LX50START and LX50SUPER portable sawmills
New Entry-Level Portable Sawmills Now Available and Starting at $3,895.
Wood-Mizer announces 2023 my project contest winners
Portable sawmill owners recognized for building dream woodworking projects.
Tree faller becomes custom sawmiller in British Columbia
As an experienced tree faller, Jimmy Pleym is sure of how much quality wood he can saw from a log just by looking at it.
Teen entrepreneur starts sawmill business in New Brunswick
For the past few years, a 17-year-old sawyer from New Brunswick, Max Smith, has been learning the craft of sawing lumber on an entry-level manual sawmill
Wood-Mizer Introduces MP180 Jointer Planer Moulder
The MP180 is a three-in-one woodworking machine able to produce tongue and groove paneling, shiplap, trim, and more.