Curly walnut and cherry rocking chairs

Curly walnut and cherry rocking chairs

Maker: Dallas Gara

Location: Calgary, Alberta

The curly walnut rocker has ziricote highlights and back braces. I woodwork in my spare time just for fun. I am inspired by Hal Taylor and Sam Maloof, and I have been building rockers for a little over five years. This is a dramatically different design from what I usually build seeking a lower and more laid back feel. I made the curly cherry rocker with quilted maple back braces late in 2020.

Submitted: January 2021


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  2. I am a metal sculptor with 20+ years experience in welded steel and bronze large scale projects. Retired now but motivated to fabricating a one-of-a-kind hand built wood rocker. Understand basic carving techniques. Any pointers?

  3. Amazing chair! Breathtaking! I’d like the ability to try and build one of these. Is it possible to share the plans, or purchase the plans? I’d be interested how you were able to get such flawless cuts and transitions, but I’m still a novice who’s build a few things.

    1. This is a photo of a chair made by one of our readers – for privacy and security, we do not share our readers email addresses.

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