Company News

Premium woodturning tools

Premium woodturning tools

Branches To Bowls is excited to add the Hunter Tool Systems line of fine carbide tools to their line-up of premium products for the woodturner looking for exceptional results.

The Hunter Tool uses a very fine grain of carbide specifically engineered to meet the sharp tooling requirements demanded by the woodturning community.

•    Proficient in rough turning operations
•    Excel best in finish cuts to help eliminate or reduce sanding operations
•    The carbide cutter will last up to 100 times longer than quality HSS
•    When dull simply rotate the cutter
•    When rotated all around, simply replace the cutter with a new tip
•    Tools can be ordered with or without wood handles
•    If you use manufactured handles, the Hunter Tool shanks are turned to fit standard handles
•    Be sure to check out the Retrofit Section for tools to fit into the popular captured hollowing systems

Visit branchestobowls.com

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